Personal Finance Mangement

Capture real-time credit insights from transactions for lending to small and medium-size enterprises.

Customers using this solution

How it works

Upload a bank  or mobile money statement.

We extract, process it and categorise the transactions.


Transactions categorisation

Analyze ability to pay back

Know the best time to strike the account

Know the best time to strike the account

Know the best time to strike the account

Know the best time to strike the account

Why you should get in touch

Credrails provides borrowers with an easy, streamlined loan experience while giving lenders access to the user-permissioned bank, payroll, and document
uploaded data they need to make informed lending decisions.

Verify customer’s assets digitally

We provides a consolidated report with
account balances, uncategorized and
categorized transactions, and account
identity information

Check balances in real-time

Instantly checks whether users have the
funds to make a payment or transfer

Verify Lender’s identities

Confirm users' identities with what's on file at the bank—in other words, their name, phone number, address, and email — to reduce fraud

Verify income

verify income and employment in seconds–not days–while streamlining the loan decision process for lenders

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